A Few Reminders about Logging into RDA Toolkit

A Few Reminders about Logging into RDA Toolkit

RDA Toolkit Login Box

With the elevation of the beta site to official status on December 15th, some users may have experienced some issues with accessing the RDA Toolkit. Here are a few reminders about logging in that have not changed and a few things that have. 

  • Basic Login -- both the access.rdatoollkit.org and original.rdatoolkit.org require a login. Logging into one does not log you into the other. A second login is required to access a profile. 
  • IP Authentication -- this works just as it always has. Remember that when you are logged into the new Toolkit, the homepage will still display the dark blue profile login box.
  • Account ID/Password -- also works just the same way. You can login from the new Toolkit or from the original Toolkit.
  • Single login with your profile -- this works only on the new RDA Toolkit.
  • Accessing RDA Toolkit from Connexion and other ILS -- if your ILS connected to RDA Toolkit before, it will continue to do so. These links will resolve to the original RDA Toolkit.
  • Accessing RDA Toolkit from Cataloger's Desktop -- Cataloger's Desktop is finalizing work that the will allow Toolkit subscribers to access either Toolkit. 
  • Using the Original Toolkit -- users must log into the original RDA Toolkit separately. But users should know that original site logins do not count towards your subscription user concurrency.

For a refresher on logging into the new RDA Toolkit view this video on the RDA Toolkit YouTube channel.